How Convenient.
I have created the act “How Convenient.” to comment on the complexities of our thought processes and the potential detrimental effects they can have on our environment and ourselves. Humans have largely contributed to the destruction of our environment, causing crutial damagaing effects to our planet, yet we continue to remain polluting/destroying our home, fully aware that in the end we will be the ones suffering from our past choices. It intrigues me that even though we know what we are doing is wrong, we still continue to do it anyway. From my research, I found that choices we make are purely based off our learned behaviours, the current needs of ourselves and the convienency of them. It was the culmination of this research that led me to develop 'How Convenient' commenting on humanities environmental destruction.
'His graceful performance moved the audience with heart-wrenching moments'. - Weekend Notes
'an ethereal piece that saw him suspended in the air in circus tissue' - Theatre Press